Blackberry Smash

Joey Rexx

Brisk Blackberry Smash Artist

“When coming up with the initial sketches for Blackberry Smash, I was encouraged to really dial-in on the “smash” aspect of the flavor’s name. Immediately I knew I wanted to draw a Luchador punching something, specifically because their costume designs are extremely expressive and vibrant. All of my excitement went into my first sketch of the Luchador, and sure enough that sketch eventually ended up transforming into the final design for the bottle.”

Aaron Kai

Brisk Blackberry Smash Muralist

“Seeing Joey Rex’s art was incredible. My interpretation of Blackberry Smash sees my signature style meshed with Joey’s design. The art I created is bold, bright, and pops off the wall – just like how Blackberry Smash tastes.”